An online community for those who wish to view or share artwork

Archiheads got in touch with us after they did a bit of googling into development agencies at a dull house party. The team at Archiheads had first-hand experience of the mental health issues prevalent among architecture students and other creative types, and wanted to build an online platform that offered both a place to display your art, but also find resources for mental health problems. Having previously existed mainly as an Instagram account shining a spotlight on young creatives whose work deal with mental illness, Archiheads wanted to build an app through which people could exhibit and buy artwork, a percentage of the proceeds being donated to charitable causes dealing with mental health. The app would also support blog posts and event and job listings, alongside a private page for users to record and track their mental wellbeing.

It’s been lovely working on Archiheads because they are very collaborative and open-minded with a good niche market to reach. It’s also great to be involved with a project working towards a cause which really resonates with our team and we feel is hugely important.
Russ Peterson, Director of Bad Dinosaur

As the team at Archiheads is made up with creative professionals, they came to Bad Dinosaur with a lot of their own branding and design ready to go. However, much of this material was very ambitious for an initial MVP cycle, and not mobile-responsive. Originally, Archiheads were after a mobile app, but we educated them on the value of web development with a mobile first mindset, as this works out cheaper and offers more flexibility, both highly valuable points to consider for small enterprises just about to launch. With all this in mind, some of the features planned for the platform, such as automated payments to artists through Stripe Connect, were pushed to the next iteration of the application.

Bad Dinosaur has a team that is small and friendly, and extremely well-rehearsed in their respective fields. This made the development process easy, fast and a delight.
Costa Cambanos, Co-Founder of Archiheads

The initial launch for Archiheads is planned for late February/early March 2018. Archiheads received funding from Scottish Enterprise for this project after we recommended they apply for a grant with them.
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