FreeFlow Technologies - Mobile App
Bad Dino developed a companion mobile app for FreeFlow's electric drivetrain systems for e-bikes and small electric vehicles.
The project, in a nutshell
FreeFlow Technologies (FFT) has developed a light power to weight E-Bike motor, allowing riders to have an E-Bike that looks and rides like a normal bike...with all the benefit of rider assistance. At the core of the motor is the innovative, patent protected transmission system.
FreeFlow Technologies approached Bad Dinosaur to design and develop a mobile application which allows end users, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) users and FFT team members to perform maintenance, updates and diagnostics on the FFT drivetrain installed in e-bikes. FFT had already developed a factory working version of the app, but now required a reliable market-ready platform to drive customer acquisition and deliver exceptional customer service.
This was developed with cross platform functionality in order for it to be suitable for use with iOS (iPhone) and Android devices to give the best market coverage for end users and OEM partners alike.

When we first approached Bad Dino our first impressions of the team was that they are very knowledgeable, experienced and friendly. This was a driving factor in selecting Bad Dino to develop our app as we wanted to work with a company that understood what we needed for our product. Those impressions were proven correct during the development of the app and continues to hold true as we move into the next phase of our development.
Gordon Paterson, Lead Electronics and Software Development Engineer, FreeFlow Technologies Ltd
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